Powered By The Apocalypse: Call of Cthulhu Hack

Good morning fellow Lovecraftians!

Inspired by Kult:Divinity Lost and a long running campaign of Masks of Nyarlathotep (we are close to the end now and there will be posts about this once we have reached it) I have decide to create my own PBTA Call of Cthulhu Hack. 

Why? Because I love Call of Cthulhu BUT... the rules feel outdated and not quite suited to the type of game I want to run. It feels a bit like going back to the 80s again where everything is just a single number without any real depth to it. And don't get me started on the Sanity system...

Also, I am working on a scenario for Kult: Divinity Lost that may or may not see the light of day as a published thing and I just LOVE the system. To me it seems like the perfect combination.

For anyone who doesn't know what Apocalypse World or Kult: Divinity Lost, you should look them up.


They are both awesome! So much better than this little hack that I have created.

Nonetheless, I though I'd share it with you. It's work in progress and will be updated through new posts. Feel free to download, play, change and do whatever you please with it. Just let me know what you think.


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