Downtime, Mythos Artefacts, Mythos Tomes and Sanity Effects

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Mi-Go
Had a Very Shiny Brain Case

As a late Christmas gift I've decided to update my PBTA Cthulhu Hack with a few new things.

Find it here


Mythos Tomes and artefacts are described using four areas of study where each area of study can have several steps required to reach the full understanding of the book or the artefact.

For books, the areas of study are these:
  1. Subject Matter. This is the subject matter that the book itself covers.
  2. Author. What can be found out about the author or authors of the book.
  3. History. When was this written and how can the book be put into its context of the time?
  4. Versions and Editions. What other editions and versions are available? Is the book based on older original texts?
For artefacts the areas are different, but the setup is very similar.


I've also added a chapter about handling downtime between adventures where you can advance your character.

During this chapter each player character can focus on gaining new Knowledges, Expertise, Contacts or even increasing their resource level. As before, they can of course focus on regaining lost Mental Stability by spending time with friends and family.

One of the more interesting mechanics here are the Downtime Moves which allow the GM to add things such as deaths in the family and illnesses to the downtime whenever a player fails their moves.


As promised by the move Remain Mentally Stable there are now light and strong short term effects when rolling failure of success with complications on that move. 

The choice of effect is up to the player so it makes sense for the player character and if it ends up being really bad for them they chose it themselves...

Hope you enjoy the update.


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