The Monolith: A Scenario for Call of Cthulhu PBTA Hack


Following up on my post with the PDFs for my PBTA Call of Cthulhu hack I am now posting my first scenario to the very same.

It's been inspired by the HP Lovecraft story The Colour Out Of Space and is a short scenario, probably doable in a single session. My aim was to write a scenario that had a Lovecraft feel to it, which I hope comes across in this one.


Download the PDF here.

PS. If you think there's a chance I will run this scenario with you, please don't read it before I do.


  1. Sneaky peaky? :) I'll wait with reading this one, chances are that I will make you include me in a session. :)

    1. I don't know who this is, but you have first dibs on a spot in my first session :)


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